At Apiti School we base our literacy programme on the NZC and the needs of our students. We also are flexible to provide programmes for our students so they are engaged, and can achieve and progress in literacy. Literacy is taught through meaningful authentic contexts, which often cross strands and cross curriculum areas eg science, social studies, EOTC is often included . Oral language is a focus.
At Apiti School :-
Although we teach these strands they do not stand alone and are incorporated through authentic meaningful contexts .
At Apiti School aspects of literacy are interconnected - oral, speaking and listening written, reading, viewing and presenting. These are not taught separately as together they create meaning. However skills are explicitly taught eg comprehension in reading, or enunciation in speaking and and they are they are assessed . There are processes and strategie through which students develop knowledge and skills related to :-
text purposes and audiences
ideas within language contexts
language features that enhance texts
the structure and organisation of texts.
Through these students make and create meaning as they work through levels of the curriculum. These skills engage and challenge them to greater depths, especially as they use more meaningful authentic contexts which are personalised to them.
Achievement Objectives are listed in the curriculum
Level 1
Processes and strategies
Students will:
Acquire and begin to use sources of information, processes, and strategies to identify, form, and express ideas.
selects and reads texts for enjoyment and personal fulfilment
has an awareness of the connections between oral, written, and visual language
uses sources of information (meaning, structure, visual and grapho-phonic information) and prior knowledge to make sense of a range of texts
associates sounds with letter clusters as well as with individual letters
uses processing and some comprehension strategies with some confidence
is developing the ability to think critically about texts
begins to monitor, self-evaluate, and describe progress.
By using these processes and strategies when listening, reading, or viewing, students will :
Purposes and audiences
Recognise that texts are shaped for different purposes and audiences.
identifies the purposes of simple texts
evaluates the usefulness of simple texts.
Recognise and identify ideas within and across texts.
understands that personal experience can influence the meaning gained from texts
makes meaning of texts by identifying ideas in some texts.
Language features
Recognise and begin to understand how language features are used for effect within and across texts.
begins to recognise that oral, written, and visual language features can be used for effect
recognises a large bank of high-frequency and some topic-specific words
shows some knowledge of text conventions, such as: capital letters, full stops, and word order; volume and clarity; and simple symbols.
Recognise and begin to understand text structures.
understands that the order and organisation of words, sentences, and images contribute to text meaning
recognises some text forms and some differences between them.